Sunday 25 January 2009

Yummy Scrummie "Sweetie" Design for FREE!

Hello People,

Thanks for stopping by!!

To celebrate the beginning of Crafti Design i am giving away a gorgeous blog design for free!!

Click here to see the design you can win!

In order to win this yummie scrummy design simply leave a comment under this by midnight GMT Friday 30th Jan 2009 telling us in no more than 50 words why you started your blog!

The winner will be announced on Saturday 31st Jan 2009

Good Luck...oh and don't forget to tell your friends and family!!


Terms and conditions apply as follows:

The design is delivered as is. No alterations will be made other than those stated below;
I will alter the "your blog name" text to match your blog;
You must have a photobucket account or similar as you will be responsible for hosting the header background and footer images. I will happily upload these for you or even set you up with an account of you wish;
The copyright for the design belongs to Crafti Design;
You may not remove the footer or the copyright from the bottom of the design;
You may not duplicate or resell the design;
I will contact the winner through their blogger profile;
The design will be installed within 7 days;

Scrumptiously Unique Blog designs!

If there are 2 things i love it is crafting and design!!

So after much convincing from my friends and the ever increasing need for "Craft Stash funds" I have decided to combine the two and design unique craft themed blogger templates! (for now i will stop at this but may expand to websites etc)

When i was looking for a theme for my craft blog, i struggled to find any unique designs let alone those with a craft theme so decided to eventually design my own and really enjoyed doing it! I had previously dabbled by designing blogs and websites for friends and colleagues so this seemed the natural next step!

Over the the coming weeks i will be giving blogs designs away for free...yes you heard me FREE! So please keep visiting and also tell all your friends and family too!! :)
